Guided Meditation & Yoga Nidra
We tend to live in a chaotic world, where we feel and think we have to go 10000 Km/h all day, every day.
Having a guided meditation that encourages your body and mind to slow down and pay attention to what’s happening within AND maybe even help the mind see things differently, is a great way to work on your own mental health.
Contact me if you’d like to have a personalised guided meditation to work on your own needs
Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation
I like facilitating both guided meditations and Yoga Nidra. The first one is a bit more “freestyle”, and the second is a bit more structured.
They are both equally amazing in my opinion.
I like mixing the meditation with sound healing, because some things go beyond words, and sounds can do the same (or a better) job in getting you where you want to go, so why not have both?
Recorded Guided Meditations
​I also enjoy recording guided meditations for special occasions, like blessing-way ceremonies, to help the mother and baby be filled with love and welcome the new baby into the world, or any occasion you might want to make extra special.